I am a perfectionist when it comes to me. I don't expect anyone else to be perfect, but far be it from me to extend that same grace to myself!
If I make a mistake, I'm automatically "less than," even though you could make the same mistake and I would tell you not to be overly harsh with yourself over it.
I'm realizing more and more that I worship the idol of the elusive "perfect me," despite the glaring evidences that such a being does not and never will exist on this earth!
Oh, how I sometimes long to be perfect! Like, I could start crying right now just thinking about how wonderful life would be if I could do, say, think, and write everything perfectly. Or even just one thing? My tripping and falling (mostly figurative, but some literal!) stories are so numerous, though, that I could fill an endless book with them. I humiliate myself on the regular with my imperfections--even at home; especially as a mom.*
Why, God? Why can't I be perfect at anything? I'm not even good at being myself, sometimes not knowing who I am and wondering who You want me to be. Why do some people seem to easily feel at home in their skin and in their everything, while I want to hide from the world in shame over my insecurities?
I. Me. I. Me. I. Me. I. Me.
I. I. I.
Me. Me. Me.
There's where the problem lies. My focus: Me, myself, and I. When I focus on wanting to be perfect, it's for self-centered reasons, and Jesus hasn't called me to that! My eyes need to remain on Him. My goal needs to be to glorify Him. It's not about me!
He has already taken care of me when He died in my place on the cross and rose again. There's nothing else I need! So, I'm free to focus on Him, even in my cringe-worthy imperfections. God doesn't cringe when He looks at me. He sees His perfect Son.
And that's what I want you and the rest of the world to see, too. Jesus. Imperfections are actually opportunities, and that's what I need to get through my thick skull.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
See, I'm not stuck in my wallowing and despair over not being perfect at anything. And you don't have to be, either. I used to wallow, but I've made progress. I used to despair, but I've made progress. I used to _____________ (zillion of things could fill that blank), but I've made progress.
Progress over perfection.
And that's all Jesus, my friends! His work in me is the only explanation for me feeling free to share my flawed thoughts with you, in order to encourage you to look to Him. See how it all works together?
I'm made perfect in Christ for eternity, but I don't yet live out that perfection in the space-time dimension in which I now exist. The tension there haunts me intensely at times, and all I can do is call on Jesus. That's it. My intellect fails me. My emotions fail me. I fail me. Jesus never fails.
Grace is amazing. Not cheap grace. I'm talking the immeasurably expensive-for-Him grace of Jesus. Swim in it with me, won't you?
*This is one of the main topics I'll be tackling in my For the Mommas series!